Lux Aeterna برنامه ها

1962 Missal and Breviary 1.0
Lux Aeterna
Pray to God using this 1962 Missal and Breviary app which featuresa:- 1962 Daily Missal- 1962 Breviary- 1962 Rituale Romanum- 1962 Mass Rubrics- Gregorian Chant Resources- Altar server resourcesand a listing of 1962 (Extraordinary Form) Mass locations in theUnited States.This app puts together in one location the most frequently usedresources and links associated with the ancient form of Mass, forthose who like to have everything in one place.
Daily Prayers for Catholics 1.0
Lux Aeterna
Enjoy a traditional selection of prayers inthis app specifically geared for the average layman.Common prayers include:- The Memorare- The Anima Christi- The Ignatian Examen- The Holy Rosary- The Act of Contrition- The "De Profundis"and more...Most of the prayers in this app have partial indulgencesattributed to them by the church and they will surely bring youcloser to God.
1962 Daily Missal 0.1
Lux Aeterna
A simple and elegant 1962 missal for theExtraordinary Form of the Roman Rite based on website. Simply zoom in to the desired leveland follow along with the Mass on your device.PRO: Extremely fast and lightweightCON: Internet connection required
1962 Divine Office Breviary V2 2.0
Lux Aeterna
A simple and easy-to-use online app based onthe website.This app was made as a response to user feedback about anotherbasic breviary app of mine which contains ads. This app contains noads though at 2MB it is larger than the previous app.Dislaimer: An internet connection is required. An offlineversion is available under the title "1962 Roman Breviary." Formore information please see my developer page.
1962 Roman Breviary 1.0
Lux Aeterna
The 1962 Roman Breviary app is an offline,standalone program featuring the full 1962 Divine Office RomanBreviary based on the Divinum Officium website.The $0.99 fee helps contribute towards developing and updatingthe app. The app is updated regularly every three months so younever miss a prayer.
The Way of the Cross 1.0
Lux Aeterna
The Way of the Cross is a devotion in which weaccompany, in spirit, our Blessed Lord in His sorrowful journey toCalvary, and devoutly meditate on His sufferings and death.In the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross, we recall anewthe sufferings in which our divine Redeemer endured while goingfrom the praetorium of Pilate, where he was condemned to death, toMount Calvary, where he died on the cross for our salvation.
Sacred Heart Little Office 1.0
Lux Aeterna
The Little Office of the Most Sacred Heart ofJesus has never been easier to pray on your multimedia device!The English text for the app's prayers are taken from F.K.Lasance's 1914 Prayer-book for Religious. This version of theLittle Office was indulgenced by Pope Leo XIII, and is one of onlyfive explicitly indulgenced Little Offices.Under Grant 22 of the Vatican's 1999 Enchiridion Indulgentiarum,"a partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously recitean approved Little Office (e.g. of the Most Sacred Heart ofJesus)." So download this app and get praying!
Little Office Immaculate Conc. 1.0
Lux Aeterna
The Little Office of the ImmaculateConception(Latin: Officium parvum Conceptionis Immaculatae) is adevotionaloffice of the Catholic Church, similar in structure tothe DivineOffice, the Church's official liturgical prayer, thoughit does notinclude any Psalms.The text from which the present translation has been madeistaken from the Officeas published by authority at Rome, in 1838 (Caeleste Palmentum,p.243).Under Grant 22 of the Vatican's 1999 EnchiridionIndulgentiarum,"a partial indulgence is granted to the faithful whopiously recitean approved Little Office (e.g. of the ImmaculateConception)."
1962 Divine Office Breviary 0.1
Lux Aeterna
A lightweight and easy-to-use 1962(Extraordinary Form) Breviary app based on the Divinumofficium.comwebsite. Compatible with any device - simply zoom in to beginpraying.Disclaimer: This app contains ads.
Godzinki Niepokalanym Poczeciu 2.0
Lux Aeterna
Godzinki o Niepokalanym PoczęciuNajświętszejMaryi Panny.Godzinki są sposobem nabożeństwa ku czci Najświętszej MaryiPannydla ludzi świeckich. Powstały wedle wzoru pacierzykapłańskich(brewiarza), zachowały ich modlitwę wspólną i hymnyrozpoczynająceposzczególne godziny. Śpiewanie Godzinek byłopowszechne w Polsceprzez setki lat. Warto wrócić do dawnejtradycji i poświęcać PanuBogu czas o każdej porze dnia.Możesz się modlić czytając lub słuchając godzinki.
Little Office of St. Joseph 1.0
Lux Aeterna
The English text for the app's prayersaretaken from F.K. Lasance's 1914 Prayer-book for Religious.Under Grant 22 of the Vatican's 1999 EnchiridionIndulgentiarum,"a partial indulgence is granted to the faithful whopiously recitean approved Little Office (e.g. of the Most SacredHeart of Jesusor St. Joseph)."
Godzinki Niepokalanym Poczęciu 1
Lux Aeterna
Godzinki o Niepokalanym PoczęciuNajświętszejMaryi Panny.Godzinki są sposobem nabożeństwa ku czci Najświętszej MaryiPannydla ludzi świeckich. Powstały wedle wzoru pacierzykapłańskich(brewiarza), zachowały ich modlitwę wspólną i hymnyrozpoczynająceposzczególne godziny. Śpiewanie Godzinek byłopowszechne w Polsceprzez setki lat. Warto wrócić do dawnejtradycji i poświęcać PanuBogu czas o każdej porze dnia.*Najnowsza versja Godzinek już jest dostępnatutaj: starej (niniejszej) versji muzyka nie działa.